IMBOLC women’s circle – trust and connectedness – donation based
A new moon cycle is opening up into the growing light of spring – into the energy of Imbolc and Brigid.
Which also brings back the light and hope into our hearts and bodies, into nature.
We gather again online to honor this special time and with it ourselves and the collective female energy.
This time we look at:
– our basic, primordial, deep down need for trust.
– how this feeling might be shaken
– and how you can restore and anchor it again and again.
We are gregarious mammals, we need to connect with similar beings to feel safe, seen and happy in this world.
Especially now!
It is so nourishing to sigh and shake together, to feel and hear each other, to let your nervous system experience, that you are accepted exactly as you are!
We will go with some embodiment tools, sharing circles, breathwork and meditation.
Looking really forward meeting you again.
You are welcome in every state of being, even if you feel tired, sad, destroyed, helpless, this is exactly the moment to sink into your body and connect!
Everyone brings in what feels right by then, no pressure, no judgement, no need to talk.
. before the circle starts at 8pm, find yourself an undisturbed spot with a bit of space around you to move
. wear comfy clothes
event is donation based!
happy if you donate whatever fits via paypal to www.paypal.me/wildwiseflow
or transfer it to Nadine Neuner IBAN: DE61430609671130519200
zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7912472678
Personal-Meeting-ID 791 247 2678